Yiwu Weather

Find about Yiwu weather, weather in Yiwu Jinhua Zhejiang China 322000.

Get to know about weather conditions before you plan your business trip to Yiwu city.

Yiwu Weather In General:


Yiwu has a weather similar to London, Paris, Geneva, and New York. Very much like Las Vegas and Tokyo.

Warm spring, hot summer, cool autumn, and cold winter.

Spring: Mar.-Apr. Temperature: 10C/50H-25C/77H. If you go to Yiwu in this time, sweaters, suits and shirts would be enough.

Summer: Jun.-Aug. Temperature: 25C/77H-35C/95H. It rains a lot in June, day in and day out. Shorts, thin shirts, skirts would be ideal. Sun glasses, sun-creams would be a plus.

Autumn: Sep.-Nov. Temperature: 10C/50H-25C/77H. Any clothes you wear with this temperature.

Winter: Dec.-Feb. Temperature: 0C/32H-10C/50H. Winter clothes like thick coat, warm socks, gloves… anything that can keep you from cold.

Accurate Yiwu Weather Now :

More useful links:

1. Yiwu Weather Forecasts on Yahoo! Weather: Yiwu Weather Forecasts on Yahoo! Weather

2. Weather in Yiwu China on MSN Weather: Weather in Yiwu on MSN Weather

3. Yiwu Weather forecast on AOL weather: Yiwu Weather forecast on AOL weather

4. Yiwu China Weather on WeatherBug: Yiwu China Weather on WeatherBug

5. Yiwu weather report in China on intellicast: Yiwu weather report in China on intellicast

6. Yiwu, China weather in UK Net Guide: Yiwu, China weather in UK Net Guide

7. 10 Days Weather Forecast for Yiwu, China – weather.com: 10 Days Weather Forecast for Yiwu, China

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