Yiwu stockings
Yiwu stockings
Most of Yiwu Stockings factories have shops in Yiwu market, are you a stocking sellers in your country? Yiwu market will be your goods suppliers; a large number of Yiwu stockings will amaze you when you come to Yiwu.
Each year 50 billion pairs of Yiwu stockings flow around the world, it has been known as “China Hosiery Town,” The Chinese market every 10 pairs of socks out of four double from Yiwu. The world’s five largest sock mills are here, where 1,431 stockings manufacturing enterprises with an annual five billion pairs of socks, magazines, which export more than half.
Yiwu have a hosiery exhibition, it is hold on every November 23rd to 25th. Last year Yiwu has hold on the 12th China Yiwu international hosiery exhibition

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