The train from Yiwu to Guangzhou
As we all know, .Every year the customers all of the world come to China to make purchases for their enterprise. But there are many customers want go to bothYiwu market and Guangzhou market. They want to compare the quality and the price of their products. The transportation is very buys now and here are two ways to go to Guangzhou -take plan and by train.
The train from Yiwu to Guangzhou is convenience. Every day there are four train trips from Yiwu to Guangzhou.
The train No Departure Arrive Hour Run Time reference fare
T169 Yiwu 14:18 Guangzhou 05:40 15 hours 22 minute hard seat 179 hard under 327
K212/K209 Yiwu17:01 Guangzhou 11:17 18 hours 16 minutes hard seat 179 hard under 327
K527 Yiwu23:05 Guangzhou 18:02 18 hours 57 minutes hard seat 179 hard under 327
K511 Yiwu15:28 Guangzhou09:08 17 hours 40 minutes hard seat 179 hard under 327
The train from Yiwu to Guangzhou is very comfortable. All of the train trips need you to sleep in train. Today you are in Yiwu and when you wake up after a night you are in Guangzhou. The train from Yiwu to Guangzhou is very clean and quiet; the train crews are very nice. You can enjoy your trip in china.